Wildlife in Ascot - Upcoming Local Community Projects

Wildlife in Ascot are a registered local charity looking to preserve and enhance the wildlife we have in our community. More information about the charity can be found here:


There are two upcoming projects in February to get involved in and these are detailed below

Wildflower Bed Annual Maintenance - Victory Field

Where: Meet at Victory Field Car Park

When: Wednesday 20th February between 2 and 3pm

Come and help tidy up and sow more wildflower seeds

Please bring gardening gloves and a small gardening fork if you have one

Conservation Work - Blythewood Blackmoor Stream

Where: Woodland area off of Langdale Drive, Nash Gardens and Jones Corner. Meet at the play area at 2:30pm or if arriving later then in the woodland.

When: Sunday 24th February between 2:30 and 4:30pm

Litter picking and reducing ivy on the ground to make space for other plants to grow. This is part of the Kingfisher Flyway Project.

Dress for gardening with gloves and boots/ sturdy shoes. Useful tools for this would be secateurs and/ or a rake or fork.

More information on these events can be found at the Wildlife in Ascot website or by emailing ascot.wildlife@gmail.com

Our local Hedgehogs will appreciate it!

Our local Hedgehogs will appreciate it!

Don’t forget your gardening gloves!

Don’t forget your gardening gloves!